body armor drink recall

I did believe they were heathy for you. Anemia is just one of them. A: No precautions have been given by the manufacturer. 3 E Evergreen Road #1193, New City, NY 10956 Right now I have 32 bottles on hand due to they were on sale for .99, In addition to this I have a rain check for another 10 more! Please add me! document.getElementById( "ak_js_5" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); @2023 Top Class Actions. Everyones physiology is different yes, but for them to completely forgo this warning of being in danger of drinking too much and actually causing dehydration. Please add me, I always thought it was healthy And I buy all the time. administrator or law firm. Sign up for our free newsletter. . If I wanted a regular sugary drink i would buy it! Thank you. Please add me. Add me please! 3:20-00633, in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California. Add Me. THANX AGAIN, I have been buying this for my son for after workouts, I was drinking 2 a day thinking that they were go for me, Please add me to your list. We was drinking them for 2 years, Add me please. Even the big ones because they have a great taste and are like powerade giving me what I need to be healthy. After 2 surgeries and struggling against dehydration for several years, I bought these drinks thru Amazon and a monthly subscription after learning about them thru a medical support group. I bought BodyArmor drinks because I thought they were good for you. All trademarks, registered trademarks and service-marks mentioned on this site are the property of their respective owners. It can keep you hydrated while also increasing milk production. They had me fooled. God damn, you all dont even read the damned site you are on.. 16 fl oz (473 mL) bottle. When it comes to the production of breastmilk in the body, magnesium is essential due to the role it plays in maintaining the balance . I Drank a lot of this and my sugar levels have been very high. We were under the impression that it was a much better alternative than sports drinks. Do you drink BodyArmor? The user is advised to compare these products such as Morning Complete in the market before making a decision to use any of them. Besides, people simple need to read the label and like with anything else, they need to be responsible. Add me I have purchased them for years under the belief that they are healthy and nutritious. Without sugar, a drink cannot offer to be a true hydration drink. I have 3 bottles left and no receipt. I became diabetic type 2 after using this crap sugar drink! I thought it was healthy. I buy it by the cases at Sams Club. '> I drink BA LUTE peach mango, about a case a week. I feel like most people here are judging body armor off of the full calorie version, or has never even looked at the label. Watermelon 11.Pumpkin 12.Beet. It requires sugar. Please add my family! No medical claims are implied in this content, and the information herein is not intended be used for self-diagnosis or self-treatment of any condition. Add me, Please add me. Every website advertises the drink. Its tagline: 'more than a sports drink.' This big push looks to build off a successful 2020 when, despite obvious challenges, Bodyarmor grew its dollar sales at retail 41%, per Beverage Digest. If they dont agree with the sugar content then dont drink it or pick the lyte or drink in moderation. Please add me. Body Armor Drink; 12 Juices to Boost Your Immune System. Please ass me purchased for my sons basketball camp many times. Highly disappointed. In response to""Body Armor Lyte Drink BEWARE has Erythritol!- ObesityHelp. I dont know the science behind it but it cetainly has increased my milk production. Wake up and take responsibility for your own health and the decisions that you make. My son and nephew drinks this. Ive been to many sites that help hide this truth for them which is what these voices are paid to do. Thought it was comparable to Powerade or Gatorade, buy it for my family by the case. Ruined my night. Coca-Cola has completed its acquisition of sports drink brand BodyArmor. Yes I believed body armor drink was a healthy drink. I thought simply that my condition was becoming worse. Body Armor is good for you because it is a fortified Milk version. I USED TO BE a Gatorade Propel fan. They marketed agave for diabetes and this is worse for you than any other sugar because it increases your insulin level and it stays at a high-level and doesnt come down like with regular sugar so its actually much worse for you than regular sugar. Although the product may be highly nutritious and provide the user with many benefits, the manufacturer does not recommend the ideal age of the user. A 28oz bottle of gatorade has 57g sugar body armor has less at 49g of sugar, has way more electrolytes and vitamins and has low sodium. So mad that they are just basically like soda. please add me my kids would drink thia during practice. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Top Class Actions is a Proud Member of the American Bar Association, Various Trademarks held by their respective owners. my wife brought me 2 bottle to take to work because I work in a hot sweaty shop. We recommend visiting a doctor if you have any specific medical issues that raise concerns about the ingredients in our product. I buy these every day I thought it was a healthy way to get rehydrated I am so disappointed just another sales pitch to drag us in that are trying to be better to our bodies. Add me, Pls add me had no idea its was full of sugar, Yes I purchased it believing it was a healthy sports drink for active lifestyle. TDS 58. I am disheartened to see that this is the case, as myself and several co workers buy these. A: You can drink BodyArmor Super daily, but if you drink too much, it could be unsafe or detrimental. expected to be mailed out. My daughter and granddaughter drink it faithfully. I purchased it because I believed their advertisements please add me. We even asked about diabetes, as my fiance is type 2 and were told how much better this was then any other in its class. I thought that it were soda. Related Tags. status of any class action settlement claim. Then go read what kind of sugar is the best type of sugarthere are three typessucrose, glucose and fructose. Please keep me informed! After meeting a rep for the company at a county fair in Wilson Co Tn last year, he sold us on the benefits and we switched to them. The nuuns are the best thing for me but I cannot again stand the taste. By submitting your comment and contact information, you agree to receive marketing emails from Top Class Actions regarding this and/or similar lawsuits or settlements, and/or to be contacted by an attorney or law firm to discuss the details of your potential case at no charge to you if you qualify. If you want superior hydration, your going to have to consume a bit of sugar in some form artificial doesnt cut it nor is artifical by any means better or safer for our bodies. Besides the obvious, the nutrition label is very clear and accurate. Please add me. Im rather disappointed. Should they have to explain that-nope- people should learn what their body needs/why/when/how much. I started buying it for my daughter when she gave birth for hydration/breast feeding. Add me! please add me as my hubby drinks these everyday. I also purchased Body Armor for myself and my family, including my kids believing that it was a healthy drink & Ive believed all of the claims of the drink, oftentimes allowing us to replace our water intake with Body Armor feeling like we were drinking a healthier option! As a result of cancer, I had one kidney removed. Natural and 3.) I use these while I get my infusions for a rare autoimmune disease and they literally are a godsend to me. According to the manufacturer, BodyArmor Super Drink has no negative effects. Maybe thats why my supply dropped and my daughter was diagnosed with failure to thrive. I purchased it knowing it was a health sports drink now from this Classaction now it seems it was all a scam just to get your money all along? Yes I have purchased these please add me to follow it, OMG Are you serious, theyve gotta screw us consumers one way or another for that God almighty buck , obviously they dont care bout anyone but themselves,, PLEASE ADD ME, THEY EVEN HAD ME FOOLED ON THIS ONE , ???? Please add me. Please add me. I would have stuck with a cheaper brand had I known they were merely soda! Terms and Conditions. I get the 2 for $3.50 at QT all the time. Its called a sugar crash. Add me to the list please, Me and my daughter drink this all the time for hydration. I have ONLY been buying and drinking them because it has been advertised as a healthy drink! My son plays basketball and I buy these for him because I thought they were replenishing his electrolytes, more than Gatorade. I have shared this with my family for about a year thinking it was good for us. Not all sugars are as harmful as others and the amount we ingest plays a big part in that. Drank cases of this going thru chemo hoping to stay hydrated. And no where on the bottle are they advertizing to be a health drink but rather a Superior Hydration drink which they are. Top Class Actions is a legal news source that reports on class action lawsuits, class action settlements, drug injury lawsuits and product liability lawsuits. If you can read the label then you can see if the sugar content is acceptable to you. My cardiologist recommends BodyArmor to help keep hydrated, increasing blood volume. This really saddens me, why because of what the FDA gets away with. 3:20-00633. Top Class Actions does not process claims and we cannot advise you on the status of any class action settlement claim. finding this out i threw all mine outplease add me. Allegedly, they and many reasonable consumers believed this based on the products advertisements that the drink is More Natural Better hydration than its competitors. Please add me to this class action against BODY ARMOR SUGAR CONTENT FALSE ADVERTISING case 3:20-00633. Verdict on Claimed Benefits: Below is our summary of the available evidence for the claimed benefits of below mentioned health supplements and probiotic supplements based on the available research: Product reviews are provided for informational purposes only and reflect solely the views and opinions expressed by the contributors and not those of Consumer Health Digest. Please add me. Ive been drinking this drink for over a year now and Ive had some heart problems. Ive bought too many to count. Who knows how many people suffered severe setbacks due to their greed?? It seems that something is covered up. Include me. Bodyarmor, a sports drink created in 2011 by the co-founder of Vitaminwater, Mike Repole, and with backers that included the late NBA legend Kobe Bryant and NFL quarterback Andrew Luck, earned $100 million in revenues, as Fortune reported. Then I started buying them for his working out he started in March 2021 and went to back to the dentist for a 6 months cleaning and his teeth were full of cavities. The SECOND ingredient on the label is Pure Cane Sugar. Right after water. This is a joke right? I stopped because I started gaining weight. .no and. Add me to the list please. Weve bought and drank tons of them. For shame! Id like to get some of my $$ back. I have bought them because they advertise and say they are healthy..I bought quite a few of them and wasnt impressed. please add me. In no way did their advertising ever suggest to me that they were a low calorie beberage. Miss G THANK YOU!!! A little honesty would be appreciated. Buy every grocery trip as a healthy soda replacement, I work outside and drunk these because they were supposed to be hydrating and and healthy, Under the impression it was hydrating I am supposed to go in for weekly iv treatment due to dehydration issues just live an hr away so cant unless emergency. Don't touch this drink and choose something else." 7. Ive been purchasing this fir my son! People should take the time to actually read the lable before they consume the product. We review published medical research in respected scientific journals to arrive at our conclusions about a product or health topic. Some soda is also getting a recall from the company due to the potential of "foreign matter": Coca-Cola 12 ounce cans: Date Code: AUG 1522 WM B. Coca-Cola 12 ounce cans: Date Code: AUG 1522 WM . I have purchased many of mine from Amazon 38 cases as of today.

Please add me, I started drinking theses instead of Mountain Dew and Gatorade. 1. I really like this product and am going to drink it regularly. To look like idiots. Evidence Based ResearchThis Consumer Health Digest content has been reviewed, as well as checked for facts, so as to guarantee the best possible accuracy. The product is available in grape, orange mango, strawberry banana, tropical punch, mixed fruit berry, and fruit punch. 5. ADD me. Its made me prediabetic Please add me to this thanks I have high blod pressure too and other heart issues this shit must have really fucked up my cardiavacular issues High cholesterol etc, My sons drink them weekly for basketball & swim practice. Its sugar. I dropped these drinks and the weight fell off. According to the customers, BA Sports Nutrition took advantage of customer preference for healthy foods, and of their willingness to pay a premium, in order to advance its own profits. is_confirmation;var mt = parseInt(jQuery('html').css('margin-top'), 10) + parseInt(jQuery('body').css('margin-top'), 10) + 100;if(is_form){jQuery('#gform_wrapper_805').html(form_content.html());if(form_content.hasClass('gform_validation_error')){jQuery('#gform_wrapper_805').addClass('gform_validation_error');} else {jQuery('#gform_wrapper_805').removeClass('gform_validation_error');}setTimeout( function() { /* delay the scroll by 50 milliseconds to fix a bug in chrome */ jQuery(document).scrollTop(jQuery('#gform_wrapper_805').offset().top - mt); }, 50 );if(window['gformInitDatepicker']) {gformInitDatepicker();}if(window['gformInitPriceFields']) {gformInitPriceFields();}var current_page = jQuery('#gform_source_page_number_805').val();gformInitSpinner( 805, '' );jQuery(document).trigger('gform_page_loaded', [805, current_page]);window['gf_submitting_805'] = false;}else if(!is_redirect){var confirmation_content = jQuery(this).contents().find('.GF_AJAX_POSTBACK').html();if(!confirmation_content){confirmation_content = contents;}setTimeout(function(){jQuery('#gform_wrapper_805').replaceWith(confirmation_content);jQuery(document).scrollTop(jQuery('#gf_805').offset().top - mt);jQuery(document).trigger('gform_confirmation_loaded', [805]);window['gf_submitting_805'] = false;wp.a11y.speak(jQuery('#gform_confirmation_message_805').text());}, 50);}else{jQuery('#gform_805').append(contents);if(window['gformRedirect']) {gformRedirect();}}jQuery(document).trigger('gform_post_render', [805, current_page]);} );} ); I truly hope you dont win your case which could cause them to go out of business thereby leaving me and others like me without a much needed safe hydration drink. Gundry MD Vital Reds | Concentrated Polyphenol Blend, Bio Complete 3 - Gundry MD | Natural Probiotic Supplement, Balance of Nature | Fruit & Vegetable Supplement. I drank BodyArmor thinking it was healthy. When ever im hungover i grab an armor cause its healthy how misleading. The variety I drink is Peach Mango Lyte. They make you think it is healthy when in fact its no better than a soda and costs a lot more. Please add me to this class action against BODY ARMOR SUGAR CONTENT FALSE ADVERTISING case 3:20-00633. They are a little pricey but I break down and buy them. According to the customers, the company claims that the product is good for consumers because it contains essential vitamins and nutrients. Angela Truelock. The BodyArmor Sugar Content False Advertising Class Action Lawsuit is Silver, et al. I am pregnant and worried at this point. STOP using artificial sweeteners!! Anyone who knows anything about hydration knows that the best way to hydrate is by mixing water with a bit of sugar along with some other ingredients like salt and baking soda. I purchase these for my husbands lunches every day for work. Please note that you cannot upload a file that is larger than 2MB. Please add me to this claim. When I work out all summer and gain weight because I was refueling with these. Look at the back of the bottle you idiots! settlement administrator or your attorney for any updates regarding They wont win this class action lawsuit. This is classic GATORADE FUNDED LAWSUIT. "I don't mind it.". The information contained in this website is provided for general informational purposes only. , BodyArmor Class Action Says Sports Drink Is Soda, Equifax, Experian, TransUnion identity theft credit damage or inaccuracies recovery lawsuit investigation, Unlawful vehicle repossession class action investigation, Essential: Remember your cookie permission setting, Essential: Gather information you input into a contact forms, newsletter and other forms across all pages, Essential: Keep track of what you input in a shopping cart, Essential: Authenticate that you are logged into your user account, Essential: Remember language version you selected, Functionality: Remember social media settings, Functionality: Remember selected region and country, Analytics: Keep track of your visited pages and interaction taken, Analytics: Keep track about your location and region based on your IP number, Analytics: Keep track of the time spent on each page, Analytics: Increase the data quality of the statistics functions, Advertising: Tailor information and advertising to your interests based on e.g. I drink these for work, I work in AC business frequently going into hot attics of 150+ degrees or more. This ensures the highest standard of scientific accuracy. Body Armor gets me through miles & miles of triple digit Texas jogging & biking. Iv bought abou 150 cases of this in the last year. What part of the fully disclosed and fully FDA compliant ingredient listing Pure Cane Sugar is difficult to understand? I already have type 2 diabetes so it is imperative that I monitor what goes into my body. Now I think i got scammed. I was buying them. BODYARMOR is dedicated to providing today's athletes the best in sports nutrition & hydration. I drank Body Armor thinking I was doing the right thing for my body. Erythritol is the problem it causes terrible health problems. It processes it the same way with differences in speed. Note: Results may vary about any product effectiveness. Please add me. This product contains antioxidants, nutrients, and vitamins. The ignorance in this thread is unbelievable Anyone concerned with their health would read the nutrition label and realize this is a superior hydration beverage and advertises itself as one. You should always check the labels for nutritional information this information is printed on every consumable product for a reason! Please add me to the list. I drank this and gave it to my little grandkids, My son drink it everyday Im not sure I will let him drink it anymore. The customers are represented by Laurence D. King, Mario M. Choi and Maia C. Kats of Kaplan Fox & Kilsheimer LLP, and Michael R. Reese and George V. Granade II of Reese LLP. All Rights Reserved.

He was told he was a walking heart attack just waiting to happen any second. Please add me. Grow up and stop whining and trying to get your money by faulting others for your problems. This is what Ive been saying. Body Armor Drink; 12 Juices to Boost Your Immune System. Ive been buying it for years for my older kids who are athletic. I know this because my daughter is allergic to fructose and pure cane sugar and maple sryup are the two sweetners she can consume without becoming deathly ill. The proposed class action detailed on this page was dismissed with prejudice in light of an apparent settlement between BA Sports Nutrition and the plaintiffs. While I cant prove it to be causing issues, it is highly suspect as it has now happened twice. My son who didnt have my cavities as of January 2021. I will continue to drink body Armor because I like it . Me and my son drinks these add me please, Add me!!! It is perfectly refreshing after tedious workout or exercise. Regardless, we only recommend products or services which we use personally and/or believe will add value to our readers. This product provides the body with carbohydrates that are essential for energy production, which is essential for . Thanks ! This is particularly dangerous as underage children may want to use it may be harmful to them. Coconut water is loaded with more readily absorbed NATURAL electrolytes and NATURAL potassium also more readily absorbed. Top Class NOT be paying 2-3xs as much for the same sugary crap!! I been trying to cut back on Gatorade due to the sugar intake so I purchased this instead. I just purchased some of these. And hello if youre drinking a sports drink its because you are exerting yourself. The customers note that sugar is linked to serious medical conditions including type 2 diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular disease . And I thought I was drinking healthy. No medical claims are implied in this content, and the information herein is not intended to be used for self diagnosis or self treatment of any condition. I drink 2-4 of the body armor lite daily! BULLSHIT. on hold till a see a reputable scientific review. This makes me upset, I thought I finally found something that wasnt terrible for me, I quit drinking soda 2 years ago, I needed a replacement drink to keep me hydrated when working , ugh ! My daughter is 11 months old!! Had loss of blood from bladder due to radiation treatment of prostate. HIGH FRUCTOSE GATORADE DESTROYS OUR ENDOCRINE SYSTEM. . I drink this at least 3x/week based on the companys adverts and claims. We live in Oregon. Watermelon 11.Pumpkin 12. US sodas contain high fructose corn syrup, not pure cane sugarand lots of other artificial ingredients btw. Please add me. It never claims to be health in a bottle as you claim. The BodyArmor false advertising class action lawsuit asserts that sports drink is sweetened with sugar, and the sugar content can harm consumers' health, as opposed to better it as the product allegedly claims. A: Yes, the BodyArmour Drink is good for breastfeeding too. If they were so concerned about their health, why didnt they read the lable? didnt realize they had that much sugar! My wife and I buy this 4 times a week. Thia could explain why I have been having a hard time with side effects after treatments. Please add me. The are very big into playing sports. . So if you havent noticed one of the main ingredients is coconut water which is known for its diarrhetic side effects. Add me to lawsuit I drank this every other day before summer the smell is coming out of my pores made me more dehydrated no bueno I been stop usage of this product. Body Armor doesnt really equip you with a suit of armor. This is so disappointing, i Buy them by case. Just started treating type 2 diabetes. I had no idea they was not a healthy drink. How much are they paying you shills for this bullshit? Please follow the instructions listed below to upload your electronic proof of purchase. So sad, please add me. I gave up Gatorade & Gatorade Propel for Body Armor, it performs better, you can taste that its a cleaner beverage. The sugar free version is like 20 calories for 32 oz and has a shit ton of vitamins and minerals. Dawn Ive been purchasing Body Armor for approximately a year and have a minimum of 10 bottles on hand that I cant return. Natural sweet no added sugar was what I was looking for. Your use of this website indicates your agreement to this websites published terms of use and all site policies. This product also seems to have been endorsed by various professionals, which could instill some confidence in shoppers to try it out. Umm no its not all the same. It also replaces fluid lost by the body during exercise, therefore, keeping the body hydrated. I have to drink an electrolyte drink based on my genetic condition due to low blood pressure and low salt. We follow a strict editorial policy, especially related to the sources we use. Product Details. BODYARMOR is dedicated to providing todays athletes the best in sports nutrition & hydration. Please add me, I bought them and was disappointed by the results. Eat healthy sources of carbohydrates, such as whole grains and fruits, as well as proteins, like nuts and dairy. You can click on the numbers in the parentheses (1, 2, etc.) Please add me purchase weekly. Please add me. Please see our Medical Disclaimer for more information. This product provides the body with carbohydrates that are essential for energy production, which is essential for working out or most important athletic performance. My son has sports and we all drank them. I believed it was a healthy drink. This company is based in the USA, and it is manufactured by BA Sports Nutrition LLC. 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body armor drink recall